Sunday, August 7, 2011

Siti Nurhaliza’s Response On SimplySiti Brush Made From Pig’s Fur Issue

Previously, mynewshub had published the circular letter that was brought out by Pahang’s Islamic Affairs Department regarding SimplySiti’s brush that was claimed to have been made from pig’s fur.

The following is the statement given by Datuk Siti Nurhaliza regarding the claim:

Referring to the attachment that was published in the blog, the following are statements from SimplySiti. We had to make an earlier press statement considering that there have been too many people starting to spread the speculation on this matter. This statement is made to avoid any misunderstanding among the public and to protect the image of our product that was accused to have been made from pig’s fur.

SimplySiti products always obey all of the terms that was set by JAKIM before our products were given any Halal approval. Actually, SimplySiti products and brushes that are inside have received Halal approval and it has nothing to do with accusation that was made. We have been working closely with JAKIM and we would follow every terms that was set during the process of making our products before they are released to the market.

We appreciate all of the support and help that JAKIM had given us and we have learned a lot from then as we need to do our best to give the best to our consumers, JAKIM had been very committed in consulting and helping entrepreneurs like us especially when it comes to processing, quality of a product and especially the Halal standards. That is why products that wants to get Halal certificate from JAKIM would need to go through inspection process and detailed investigation and not just ingredients of the products.

Inspections usually include premise, every processing stages including transportation, storage, production and even employees, everything need to follow terms that had been set by JAKIM.

The brush that was highlighted wasn’t SimplySiti’s brush but only brush that was used to clean up the factory. Cleaning up the factory (samak) according to Islamic law had been done even before the production process begin at the factory.

And that is why we could guarantee that all SimplySiti products that had gotten Halal approval from JAKIM is all legitimate and brushes that are in our cosmetic products follows all the terms set by JAKIM.

I (Siti) have always set that all SimplySiti products should be halal and high quality. I would do just about anything so that customers would get the best out of our products. If a product is found slightly doubtful, we would not sell the product, we would even take it off the market.

SimplySiti would continue getting statement from JAKIM so that this issue would be stopped to ensure that it won’t trouble any consumers anymore. We hope that JAKIM would kindly explain regarding SimplySiti’s halal status in their statement, Considering that this issue arise during the weekend, SimplySiti will try to set a meeting with JAKIM as soon as we can to discuss upon this matter. We hope that the public wouldn’t make any early speculation as we have always make sure that our products are halal.

Thank You.
Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza Tarudin

SimplySiti Sdn Bhd
6 August 2011

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